
Barkmere citizens,

As many of you are aware, the hundredth anniversary of the creation of our town by an act of the Quebec National Assembly is coming up in July 2026. Since its founding, Barkmere citizens have been known for their active engagement in protecting our environment, organizing and participating in community events, and supporting our Town Council.

Barkmere100 – a citizens’ committee has been created to organize events in the centennial year – including those focused on Centennial Day itself. A wide range of events for families are envisaged including music, BBQ, arts & crafts, treasure hunts, cottage & historical house visits, oral histories, and key events that have marked the history of the town and its citizens. These events will be supported and coordinated with the Town Council and the BLPA.

The committee would like your input in the selection and design of these events as well as and participation in making these successful.

You can send your comments, suggestions, and/or indicate your interest in participating in various committees such as Centennial Day events (kids, ados, adults), entertainment, food, site logistics, merchandise, oral history, cottage visits, etc. to Barkmere100 at barkmere100@gmail.com. For those indicating interest in participating, you’ll be invited to the next Barkmere100 virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams.

We look forward to hearing from you and to a successful centennial year!