


Barkmere was incorporated in 1926 under the Cities and Towns Act of the Province of Quebec. The main objective pursued by the “founding fathers” was to protect Bark Lake and its environment against the threats of deforestation, agricultural runoffs, and overfishing. These preoccupations were very forward thinking for the era.Over the years, generations of Mayors and Councillors have continued this countercurrent approach to municipal administration, where protection and preservation supersede development. They have enacted various bylaws to protect the shoreline, to enforce maintenance of septic systems, and to control residential development.Today, the result of these efforts is a Lake with pristine waters, surrounded by a natural landscape where the footprint of the residents is kept to a minimum. These residents, the Bark Lakers, are very proud of their achievements, and very protective of their lake. Thanks to their continuous efforts, and their rigorous standards, this legacy of beauty and tranquility is being preserved for the future generations.Feel free to explore the website and let us know your comments.

Luc Trépanier, mayor of the city

3 July 2024

Exterior lighting

In order to promote the use of natural night lighting and preserve the town’s environment, article 4.8 of zoning by-law 201 (in French only) has been adopted to control outdoor lighting and minimize light pollution.

Bylaw objectives :

– Reduce the impact of light sources on starlight;

– Limit intrusive light and glare;

– Reduce impact on flora and fauna and disruption of ecosystems.

7 June 2024

Agenda for the next municipal council

To consult the agenda for the municipal council meeting held on June 8th 2024, please click here.

15 May 2024

Outdoor lighting regulations

This year, the administration will be focusing on compliance with outdoor lighting regulations. Please click on this link to read the main provisions in this regard.



7 August 2023

How to identify Eurasian Watermilfoil

To know how to identify milfoil, click on this video created by Sylvain Miller.

19 July 2023

Eurasian Watermilfoil awareness weekend

It’s the Eurasian Watermilfoil awareness weekend, July 22nd and 23rd. To know more about the activities and on how to protect the lake, click on this link.

12 June 2023

Minutes from the May 2023 Council meeting

To consult the minutes of the Council meeting held on Saturday, May 13th 2023, click here.

15 March 2023

Consultation- Urban Planning

To consult the powerpoint presentation on the urban planning public consultation, please click here.

20 December 2022

Description of the MRC artwork (French version only)

To consult the description of the MRC artwork, please click here.





Risk of fire 
Forecasts for : Today